Sid Deliwala

Alfred Moore Senior Fellow, Penn Engineering
Director of Lab Programs
Associated Faculty, ESE

Sid has been the Director of Lab Programs in the Electrical and Systems Engineering (ESE) Department for over two decades. His experience includes managing lab programs, developing unique courses that encourage student engagement in their academic career, and teaching undergraduates.

He also manages state-of-the-art teaching classroom+lab facilities [C-Labs], Detkin, Ketterer and Simmons Labs. Sid enjoys working with students and continues to teach summer high school programs, M&T Summer Institute, (which he co-founded in 2006), ESE 1110 (ESE Freshmen Course), ESE 1900 (Silicon Garage), Coursera Robotics Specialization (capstone) and ESE Capstone (ESE 4500/4510 Senior Design) in Fall and Spring semester. He is also an active participant in ECEDHA conferences and co-leads the Technology Program at ECEDHA. Sid graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Walchand Institute of Technology in 1991 and a master’s degree from Drexel University in 1995.


ESE 1110: Atoms, Bits, Circuits, and Systems (teaching since 2015)

ESE 1900: Silicon Garage (teaching since 2016)

ESE 4500 and ESE 4510 ESE Senior Design (teaching since 2014)

M&T Summer Institute (co-founder, teaching since 2006)

Pre-Freshman Program, Introduction to Engineering (started the course module in 2002)

Coursera: Robotics Capstone

Faculty Advising (Student Clubs)

IEEE-HKN Lambda Chapter at UPenn

IEEE Student Branch at UPenn




Selected Talks

May 3, 2022: Hands-On Learning (podcast) with  Zach Peterson 

Jan 20, 2022: Digital Transformation in Academia w/Noah Schmitz (Keysight)

Apr 20, 2021: EDAB Faculty Spotlight with Lolita Jackson

April 13, 2021: “Remote and Hybrid Learning Solutions” Panel discussion with Keysight/RealDigital 

Mar 20, 2021: Penn Influencers with Kevin Conley and Varun Sampath 

Feb 17, 2021: Fireside Chat (podcast)with Wilson Lee (Tektronix) “Tech Talk”

Nov 9, 2020: “Hybrid Labs” (podcast) with Rick Nass and John Janowiak

2013 TedX Penn: Behind the Blackboard


October 2023: Getting to know Detkin Lab, Penn Engineering blogs

October 2022: Get to Know(video) Hands-on learning at Peter Detkin Lab

September 2023: Bringing PCB education to the classroom

February 2021: Detkin Lab’s leadership in bringing experiential learning at home

Why I teach

Conference and Professional Activities

2023-25, Elected on board for ECE Foundation and ECDHA

March, 2022: Technology Program Chair, ECEDHA Conference, New Orleans, March 24-28, 2022

Feb 9, 2022: ECEDHA Online Summit Co-Chair; Future Ideas on Hands-On Education w/Rea Callender

April 13, 2021: Co-Chair ECE Makers and Lab Professional National Summit

Dec 1-2 2020: Co-Chair ECEDHA Online Summit 

March 17, 2018: Founded T.I.M.E.E (earlier known as Lab Pros; Technologists, Innovators, Makers, Educators and Entrepreneurs) at the national level for ECEDHA (Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association)


2022 School of Engineering and Applied Science Staff Award

Robert M. Janowiak Outstanding Leadership Award [ECEDHA] March 2022

IEEE Delaware Valley Engineer of the Year, April 2021

Univ of Pennsylvania Models of Excellence, April 2000

US 6,204,669 : Detection of defects in a protective barrier, 7/2/1998