Tunnel Boring Machine for the 2023-24 season is No Diggity
Penn Hyperloop is a new team at Penn, founded by SpaceX engineers, aimed at revolutionizing transport, building reusable tunnel boring machines, competing in the annual Not-a-Boring Competition to dig a 30 meter long tunnel for Elon Musk’s The Boring Company. We do all engineering from first-principles and move extremely quickly with an iterative approach to design, build, test, repeat aiming for the most effective and simplest solution possible. We prioritize hands-on learning and building everything from scratch ourselves. Our team is a fast-track to working at companies like SpaceX, The Boring Company, Tesla, and Neuralink directly as well as Venture Capital.
We are competing in the Mini Event this year. We have made it to the Final Round of the Mini Event, in our rookie season! Top 5% globally, passing through two previous competition rounds of Preliminary Design Briefing and Final Design Briefing, both of which are rounds where TBC (The Boring Company) engineers rigorously provide feedback on our design and decide if we advance to the next round.
Interested to know more, contact – rmoh13@seas.upenn.edu (Rishu Mohanka) and jgzhang@seas.upenn.edu (Gabriel Zhang)

Our Team
Rishu Mohanka – Founder, Chief Engineer, Cutterhead Responsible Engineer, Structures Responsible Engineer
Gabriel Zhang – Lead Operations Engineer, Lead Electrical Engineer, Finance Lead
Mehul Vemareddy – Propulsion Structures Responsible Engineer
Ben Saxon – Propulsion Electronics Responsible Engineer