If you are looking to install and use Altium, there are several options.

Option 1: Altium Designer Student License

This option is best for undergraduate and masters students

Using your SEAS email, register for an Altium Student License.

This is done through Altium Student Lab.

Once you have been verified by Altium as a student, you can download and install Altium IF you have a Windows machine.

If you are experiencing issues getting your Altium Designer Student License, please contact students@altium.com.

NOTE: You need a SEAS email to get verified through Altium.

If you need a SEAS account, you can obtain one through CETS.

Option 2: Altium Designer Professional

This option is open for professors, PhD students, and research purposes.

Email Detkin lab (eselabqa@seas.upenn.edu) and/or Kat (eskat@seas.upenn.edu) and request for access to an Altium Designer Professional license.

Please be sure to indicate which research group you are in and for what purpose you will need the Professional license.

If you are a student with a SEAS email, option 1 should work for you.