Electrical Circuits and Systems
This course gives an introduction of modern electric and electronic circuits and systems. Designing, building and experimenting with electrical and electronic circuits are challenging and fun. It starts with basic electric circuit analysis techniques of linear circuits. Today mathematical analysis is used to gain insight that supports design; and more detailed and accurate representations of circuit performance are obtained using computer simulation. It continues with 1st order and 2nd order circuits in both the time and frequency domains. It discusses the frequency behavior of circuits and the use of transfer functions. It continues with introduction of non-linear elements such as diodes and MOSFET (MOS) transistors. Applications include analog and digital circuits, such as single stage amplifiers and simple logic gates. A weekly lab accompanies the course where concepts discussed in class will be illustrated by hands-on projects; students will be exposed to state-of-the-art test equipment and software tools.
Course Instructor : Dr. Firooz Aflatouni
Course usually offered in Fall term
Past Student Highlights
“This course answered a lot of the questions I’ve had about circuit theory. Highly rewarding course” ~ ESE Student, Fall 2017